Archaeological heritage and monuments

Posted By admin | 2020-11-11 17:26:10 | surveys, cultural heritage, cultural heritage surveys |

Archaeologicical heritage and monuments.

The reliefs, in the field of of archaeological heritage, may be performed with different methods: with drones, laser scanners, digital photogrammetry; with these techniques it is possible to compute with detailed surfaces undergo treatment or highlight the geometric aspects of the phenomena of structural degradation. The evolution of the methods for digital representation and viewing also allow you to simulate project interventions on the existing or to verify in advance the impact of changes and / or inclusion of new artefacts in the area.
The history of photogrammetry is strongly linked to the history of descriptive geometry, which has determined the theoretical principles. The photographic image is in fact similar to the concept of central perspective.
The photogrammetric technique, exploited the knowledge of these two disciplines, synthesizing in a space that allows the analysis of any object can be photographed obtaining, with good approximation, the relevant metric data in three dimensions.
The classic and obsolete techniques of photogrammetric restitution of the past, which forced at high time and cost of production, have now been supplanted by modern digital technologies that allow, through specific software, easier to read and return the images in real time with the production of so-called “Point Clouds” 3D. All this reduces radically the times and costs of production, presenting itself as a valid alternative to all those situations in which, the complexity, the extension, and the need for speed of execution would render the traditional topographic survey, overly complex and costly.

  • Relief of historical artifacts, for restoration activities.
  • Relief of Archaeological Sites for documentation and anastylosis virtual.
  • Relief of artwork for the documentation and preservation.
  • Photo realistic three-dimensional modeling.
  • Support activities for the design (Relief surface degrade and deformations)
  • Supports the fruition of Cultural Heritage (RealRime3D)