WebGis e Document Management System for the reconstruction of the old city of Mosul.

Posted By admin | 2020-11-23 22:24:48 | mosul old city reconstructio, mosul old cisty UNESCO |

WebGis e Document Management System for the reconstruction of the old city of Mosul.

Assignment name:WebGis and Document Management System for recontruction of the old city of Mosul Customer:UNESCO
Country: Iraq Duration: 20 month
Inizio: December 2017 Completation: September 2019

Narrative description of the project:
The historic center of Mosul was severely damaged by the war for liberation from ISIS. UNESCO manages the project for its reconstruction. In this case our platform (GeoDoc), in addition to documenting the progress of the work, will allow the cataloging of the documents that will be produced during the reconstruction project. An instrument that will allow the various teams involved to share information in real time.

The maps and data of the 2006/2007 housing census were recovered; A series of historical maps allows you to see the transformation over time of the historic center of Mosul.
The system keeps track of the actions performed on the areas or "elements" of the various layers, allowing the conservation and cataloging of the documents produced.
A system of user hierarchies, divided into groups, allows, depending on the permissions, to view, add and / or modify the elements of the system.
For each action, which will be carried out on one of the elements of the map, we will have a record that describes its characteristic data, in addition to the possibility of associating and managing documents that may be produced, such as reports, photo drawings etc.

1930 circa

marzo 2018

Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignement:
  • The entire system was developed by us. the survey module for census on line or offline; the training at the UNESCO staff.
  • Data collection; Correction, and standardisation of the data originating from the census 2007.
  • Put on-line of the WebGis and documentatrion system.
  • Support at the Unesco staff.
  • Creating data sheet of the houses and the historical building for the survey.

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