Atlas master plan province of Naples

Posted By admin | 2020-11-26 09:33:50 | atlas master plan naples |

Atlas master plan province of Naples

Assignment name: Atlas Name of Client: consorzio CO.SVI.M. a.r.l.
country: Italy, Naples Duration: 6 month
Start date (month/year): 2005 Completion date (month/year): 2006
Narrative description of Project:
The construction of a prototype Urban Atlas of the Province of Naples has been the subject of an Agreement between the Province of Naples and the Consortium CO.SVI.M., with the advice of the Center LUPT, and was edited by prof. Luigi Piemontese, by prof. Paris G. Caputi and architect. Mario Capunzo.
The atlas was aimed to create a unified vision of the zoning of all land use plans of all municipalities in the province of Naples alongside (not replacing) the original legend new legend unified.
The presence of a dual coding allows you to see the individual plan in its original form or in a unified way for an immediate comparison with other plans.
Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:
  • Develop a web based, multi-purpose GIS web viewer
