Register of building school Giugliano - Naples

Posted By admin | 2020-11-26 09:57:52 | Register building school, relief school |

Register of building school Giugliano - Naples

Assignment name: Registry schoos building Name of Client: Comune di Giugliano in Campania (Na)
Country: Italia (Giugliano in Campania - Na) Duration: 3 mesi
Start date (month/year): 2011 Completion date (month/year): 2011
Narrative description of project::

The project is national in nature and its aim is to provide a implant system and telematic update of the National Register of School construction. The work was developped following all the steps required for the preparation of the drawings and the related tables.

After an analysis of the data required, for the preparation of the documents and related tables it was decided to use Autodesk ® Revit ® Architecture.
Here are some schools that you can view directly from the browser. To view the tables the browser need the installation of a plug-in, loading time of the tables and/or the 3D depends on both the size of the project that the internet connection speed.

Description of actual service provided by your staf within the assignment:
  • Survey of the status quo.
  • Graphic rendering 2/3D and compilation of fact sheets on the state of the various rooms.

II circolo via Quintiliano
I circolo piazza Gramsci
IV circolo via Ripuaria Varcaturo
VI Circolo via Giardini
VII Circolo Via Bartolo Longo
succ I Circolo via Nievo
VIII Circolo via Staffetta Lago Patria
Succ IV circolo via Ripuaria

Succ V Circolo viale dei Gemelli
Succ VI circolo via Verdi
Scuola media G.M.Cante via Vaccaro
Scuola media Gramsci Via Selva Piccola
Scuola media Basile Corso Campano
Scuola Media Don S. Vitale via Staffetta 7
V scuola media Bartolo longo
Succ. V Scuola Media Corso Campano